The man is big – the sea is small.
The whale is big too – but not as big as the man.
That's why the whale fits into the sea perfectly,
But the man doesn't.
The story about a man, who lost his dreams and a whale, who kept them safe. But the world turned upside down and the sea became a desert. And the whale had to go to sleep in the sky.
Would the man be able to find his dreams again? Would he ever feel the joy of being one with the world? The philosophical tale of someone, who like Jonah, lost his way and was rescued by a whale.
Animated Short | Germany 2016 | paint on glass | 9.30 min | color | DCP |1:2.35 | Dolby Digital 5.1
Cork Film Festival, Ireland
out of competition 2016
DOK Leipzig, Germany 2016
Animest, Romania 2016
Foyle Film Festival, Ireland 2016
Aspen Shortfest, US 2017